
Want the secret to having a light heart

especially when life feels heavy?

Join us for a day of rest, reflection, renewal, and reconnection

Stay tuned for our new date

“Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

What You Can Expect

 ~A place to lay down your burdens, so you can stop carrying the weight of the world.

 ~Space for reflection, perfect for people yearning for the lighter yoke of Christ.

 ~Real rest, without guilt.

 ~A deeper connection with God and yourself, so you can build deeper connections with your family, friends, and community.

You'll Feel...




 ~reconnected with God and yourself

You'll Discover...

 ~How to cultivate a mindset of rest and reflection.

 ~How to strengthen your connection with God and     yourself though yoga, meditation, and time in nature

 ~How to align yourself with God’s desires for you.

 ~How to replace heavy burdens with a yoke that is   easy and light.

Get these bonuses when you attend...


We want you to build connection with you BEFORE we meet IRL. We were not meant to travel this life alone. Make new friends, create a carpool, encourage each other.


We give you everything you need to cultivate a day of rest at home: cozy fleece blanket, beautiful guided journal,  and more!


Launching in 2024! You’ll become an inaugural member of the Cultivate Extraordinary Community! This membership will be full of all the things you need to continue to build connection with God, yourself, and all those in your circle.

Meet Jessica Cunniff

Founder of Abide Well & Certified YogaFaith Instructor

“My passion is to serve others well. I find great joy in providing and fostering a safe space for people to meet and feel the Holy Spirit. Some even for the very first time.

With YogaFaith, we practice Biblical principles such as meditation and explore the many postures of prayer found throughout scripture.”

"Jess is a gifted yoga instructor. She holds precious sacred space for all her students. It is a good pleasure to practice YogaFaith Yin with her."
"Jess has a gentle and invitational style that puts everyone at ease, especially those new to yoga. I will definitely plan more yoga socials with Abide Well."


What's Included


Here's the truth...

We KNOW we need to incorporate more intentional rest into our lives.

We KNOW that prayer, meditation, yoga, and time in nature  all offer opportunities for real rest and renewal. 

We KNOW we need a community filled with grace and love and compassion, both giving and receiving.

But, that all feels like too much sometimes, another thing to add to our already busy lives of carpools, appointments, jobs, families, life.

Let this day be that space where it is all done for you.  A day of bringing it all together, specifically curated for you.

Let this day be a day of receiving the goodness, receiving the rest, receiving the love of Christ.


Do I need to have any yoga experience?

Nope.  Jess is an amazing yoga instructor and she will offer gentle instruction throughout our sessions.

What if I don’t have a yoga mat?

No worries!  We have a beginner’s yoga kit you can add on to your registration.  It includes a yoga mat, block, and strap for easy carrying.  Plus, we’ll have it ready for you at registration.  

What is YogaFaith Yin?

YogaFaith Yin is a slow-paced style of yoga where the poses are held for long periods.  It is designed to release deep tension and/or trauma.  Postures are held for 2-7 minutes, combined with prayers and Scripture.  Prepare to float out of class truly restored.

What is forest bathing?  Do I need hiking experience?

No hiking experience needed.  Forest bathing is the practice of immersing yourself in nature in a mindful way, using your senses to derive a whole range of benefits for your physical, mental, emotional, and social health

What do I need to wear?

Dress for comfort.  Wear whatever you can easily move around in for yoga.  You may want closed-toe shoes for the forest bathing (depending on the weather, the forest floor may be muddy).  We’ll be barefoot for the grounding session.

What do I need to bring?

You’ll need to bring whatever you like for your yoga practice (mat, block, pillow, etc.). If you’re a beginner, we have a beginner’s yoga kit you can add-on to your registration, and pick up at the retreat.

The main thing to bring is an open heart, ready to be still and quiet.

What meals are included?

We’ll have a gourmet breakfast grazing board with coffee, hot tea, and hot apple cider.  Lunch will be a catered selection of gourmet soups, salads, and sandwiches.  To wrap up our time together, we’ll have decaf coffee, hot tea, hot apple cider and a selection of mini fall desserts.

© 2023 Cultivate Extraordinary